POLLI TALU (literally, “Polly’s Farm”) is a traditional Estonian farm complex situated near the Baltic Sea, 150 km southwest of the capital city Tallinn, not far from the port town of Virtsu. It consists of five log buildings with thatched roofs made from locally-harvested reeds. The structures date back to the beginning of the 20th century.
Marika Blossfeldt, an Estonian who had left her native country as a very young child to live in Germany and, later, New York City, welcomed the opportunity to purchase Polli’s Farm in 1995. Her vision was to transform the complex into an international arts center. The opportunity to purchase the property and realize her vision arose only after the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991.
In 1998 Polli Talu Arts Center was registered as a non-profit organization in Estonia. 1999 marked the first season of artistic and educational activities at Polli Talu Arts Center.
Learn more about GOH’s history with Polli Talu Arts Center here
website: https://pollitalu.wordpress.com/